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12 XMailCFG --Management for spam hosts
It explains how to build in S25R to XMail, a FINGER/SMTP/POP server which runs on UNIX and WindowsXMail, using XMailCFG, the software to configure and maintain XMail.
11 s25rtarpitgreylist
Anti-spam software (written in Perl) applied for qmail, developed by the owner of Kimagure Hogehoge Hiroba (means Whimsy Foobar Plaza). It applies the S25R system, tarpitting (response delay) and greylisting (retry request).
10 MailUtl3 A POP Proxy developed by Mr. KAWAMATA. It appends identification headers to a message which is judged probable spam based on the S25R system.
9 taRgrey - S25R + tarpitting + greylisting Mr. SATOH Kiyoshi has developed an anti-spam system which consists of the combination of S25R, tarpitting (response delay) and greylisting (retry request).
8 Starpit
Mr. SATOH Kiyoshi has reported his new tarpitting (response delay) system. It can automatically turn spam away and receive legitimate mail by tarpitting against clients which match the S25R conditions.
7 Mail Proof Keeper
A mail security solution product by Cyber System Research Institute. It introduces the S25R anti-spam system.
6 smtp_wrapper
Mr. ITO Masahiko has offfered a daemon program which processes SMTP accesses in front of sendmail. It can cooperate with a filter script implementing the S25R anti-spam system.
5 Qgrey - S25R + qgreylist patch
Mr. SATOH Kiyoshi has offered a patch that applies the S25R anti-spam system to qgreylist (greylisting for qmail). It is the "qmail version" of his Rgrey.
4 Becky! S25R spam filter
A spam filter plug-in for Becky! applying the S25R anti-spam system, developed by Mr. HONJO.
3 How to discard more than 90% of spam messages automatically using Becky!
My essay explaining how to apply the S25R anti-spam system to filtering using the mailer Becky!.
2 qmail Bad Remote Host patch Mr. HIROSHIMA Naoki has contributed a patch that enables qmail to activate the S25R anti-spam system.
1 Rgrey - S25R + greylisting
Mr. SATOH Kiyoshi has reported his system that combines the S25R anti-spam system's FQDN check rules with postgrey, which permits clients which retries against a response saying "try again later". His system can dissolve the side effects of both of the S25R anti-spam system and postgrey.
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